Spiritual Decisions

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text "connect" to: 405-873-6155 Call- 405-273-7890 email: galileebc4@att.net

i want to know more about God...

His Knowledge: God knows all things, past present and future. Isaiah 46:9-10

His Love: God is good and merciful and his love endures forever. Exodus 34:6

His Redemption: Jesus' death and resurrection secured redemption for all who believe in him. Romans 4:25  

His Holiness: God is holy and perfect and never does anything wrong. 1 Samuel 2:2

His Love For Others: God is an example of how to love others. John 13:34-35

I want to accept christ as my savior. 

I know God and that Jesus died for my sins and I am ready to accept him as my Savior and receive his Salvation!

i want to become an active member of the church

I want to join the church and become an active member!

Some ways to be active in God's Kingdom:

  • Stewardship
  • Giving
  • Teaching
  • Serving
  • Assisting in worship
  • Attending: Sunday worship and Bible studies
  • Join  a ministry
  • Stay connected with other members of the Church.

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